Hardware, Software, Finance
Complete Solutions
Energy storage solutions, generally, fall into two broad categories:
- Stand-alone storage
- Solar plus storage
If space allows for a solar system, we almost always recommend that a suitably-sized solar system is constructed along with the storage system. However, in urban areas where constructing a solar system is not feasible due to space considerations, stand-alone energy storage is used to provide demand shaving and time-of-use arbitrage which produce significant savings.
It is important to also consider the differences between residential and commercial solutions given the power levels and voltage topology which is one of the following general categories:
- Single-phase
- Split-phase
- Three-phase
Our experts devise solutions that use an optimally-designed solar system together with the appropriate combination of our products, SimplBox, SimplGrid and SimplMeter to deliver optimal economic value to our customers.
System Design and Permitting:
Once the right solution has been conceived, the real work begins. We start the work with a site review, taking measurement and visualizing the aesthetics impact of the solution. This design would ultimately end up in a set of drawings that is submitted to the local authorities for permitting.
Most systems, commercial or residential, are typically financed by a bank or other financial institutions. In case of residential system, there are a number of financial providers that are available through specific solar installation companies.
In case of commercial systems, Simpl Global works with our sister company, Simpl Green to devise, construct and finance commercial systems. Press on the logo to be transferred to their website.
Residential Solutions
Residential Time-of-Use (California)
Products used:
- SimplBox: Provides storage and therefore maximizes the value of energy provided by the solar panels
- Solar system: The source of low cost, clean and renewable energy.
Residential Demand Shaving or Self-supply
Products used:
- SimplBox: Provides storage and therefore maximizes the value of energy provided by the solar panels
- SimplMeter (residential): SimplMeter is required when the utility tariff structure calls for demand shaving (e.g in Arizona) or consumer self-supply (e.g. in Hawaii or Nevada)
- Solar system: The source of low cost, clean and renewable energy.

SimplGrid Battery Module is used to provide storage in case of an outage. The SimplBox units installed with solar panels provide the bulk of storage capacity required.
The battery inverter provides two functions:
Forms the grid during an outage
Disconnects the house grid from the utility grid during an outage. This is required by law.
Residential Backup Power
Products used:
- SimplBox: Provides the bulk of storage capacity required. However, when the power is on, it is actively used to save money by maximizing the value of solar energy.
- SimplGrid Battery Module and Battery Inverter: This combination provides the essential grid-forming functionality and the required automatic transfer switch which disconnects the house grid from the utility grid during an outage.
- Solar System: The source of low cost, clean and renewable energy.
Commercial Solutions
Commercial Solar Plus Storage
Products used:
- SimplBox: Provides the required storage capacity.
- SimplMeter: The two-channel SimplMeter provides the critical real-time data on the energy production by the solar system and energy consumption by the building(s) attached to a single utility meter.
- Solar System: The source of low cost, clean and renewable energy.
Commercial Stand-alone Storage
Products used:
- SimplGrid: In commercial systems where space restrictions do not allow for the installation of a solar system, energy storage is often used as a stand-alone system that makes the most of the time-varying nature of the cost of electricity during a single day or demand shaving applications.
- SimplMeter: A single-channel SimplMeter is used to provide the real-time consumption data by the building in order to perform demand shaving.
Commercial Backup Power
Products used:
- SimplBox: Provides the bulk of storage capacity required. However, when the power is on, it is actively used to save money by maximizing the value of solar energy.
- SimplGrid: Provides the essential grid-forming functionality and the required automatic transfer switch which disconnects the building from the utility grid during an outage.
- SimplMeter: A two-channel SimplMeter is used to supply real-time data on the building consumption and solar production levels.
- Solar System: The source of low cost, clean and renewable energy.