SimplWeb Software Platform

  • Login

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  • User Information

    All user information including access to demo systems and the system sizing, pricing and payback (S2P2) is available immediately after registering.

  • System Sizing, Pricing and Payback

    Sizing a system is often the most challenging task when designing an energy storage system. The so-called S2P2 tools from Simpl are available to all registered users. Set detailed parameters and get important answers.

  • Simpl Monitoring

    Provides real-time power for solar, batteries, building and grid all in the same view.

  • Gauge Monitoring

    Real-time power measurement could also be viewed using gauges.

  • Line Charts

    Power could also be viewed using line charts.

  • Interval Data

    15-minute interval data is presented for a time range of choice both in kWh and in dollars.

  • SimplBox Systems

    Detailed view of individual subsystems is available including individual battery cell voltages, heat sink temperature, and battery temperatures.

  • Electricity Value

    Using the tariff structure of the building, the system provides high-level production and consumption dollar values. These figures are calculated both for energy ($/kWh) and demand ($/kW).

  • SimplMeter Two-channel Power Measurement

    Using solar and grid measurement, SimplMeter calculates building consumption. The detailed measurements made by SimplMeter are available to be viewed and analyzed.

SimplWeb System Interface

Install and power up any of our hardware modules and the mesh-networked core automatically wakes up and connects to our web-hosted database and app, SimplWeb.  Simpl’s partners have access to SimplWeb.

SimplWeb is used both as a customer interface and as the app used by installers during the installation and commissioning phase of the system.